Use "dowry|dowries" in a sentence

1. A dowry.

2. Examples: Extortion; blackmail; soliciting or promoting dowries

3. The 1961 law forbidding dowries further undermined traditional Hinduism.

4. To save the Dowry.

5. The boat is her dowry.

6. Farhan will never take any dowry

7. The boy gives the girls family the dowry

8. I don't think, you care for a dowry.

9. Your grandma gave me this bracelet as a dowry

10. The money from her dowry was invested in her mother's store.

11. He must raise a dowry for our sister's betrothal.

12. A GREat dowry is a bed full of brambles.

13. The Lambo ( second one ) also part of the dowry!

14. Joseph returned Miriam’s dowry and reimbursed her fourfold for any damaged goods.

15. In return, Magnus gained Dalsland as part of her dowry.

16. And moved the Queen's Dowry from the Capitana to the supply ship.

17. 28 For single middle-class women without dowries there was only the prospect of becoming a governess or companion.

18. The dowry ownership owned by wivesinfluences the people around them deeply.

19. The dowry of this marriage was an enormous 4 million livres.

20. My sis can't marry because they want a car in dowry

21. His family hoped that his bride would bring a large dowry.

22. The dowry of my wife was very little in that age.

23. I set aside a good dowry and other things for her.

24. If a young woman did not have a dowry, she went into domestic service.

25. He will understand how impossible that is, without an agreement on a dowry.

26. Where dreams and reality parted company was about marriage and the dowry.

27. Since Octavia will save a substantial dowry, she will have a prosperous independence.

28. In August 1401, he let her go back to France, but kept her dowry.

29. And given the size of your dowry, it should be of solid gold.

30. Sheaths were often lovingly carved and given as love tokens or dowry gifts.

31. I had to give back a portion of the dowry after the divorce.

32. Mazarin then became the supplicant and offered a dowry of 5 million livres, but Charles refused.

33. As a wife , the woman was protected by the setting up of a dowry or decimum.

34. There is no evidence of what lands, if any, she brought her husband as dowry.

35. So he'll get you and your dowry and he'll take the Bouriennka as well.

36. With his wife's dowry , the young attorney was able to open a law office.

37. Finally all - sided to review the women's status of the Renaissance Italy under the dowry system.

38. A newspaper reporter stationed in eastern Africa wrote: “Young people choose to elope to escape excessive dowries demanded by tenacious in-laws.”

39. Now he desires, as is but right, that my dowry should be returned with me.

40. The dowry will be enough for her old age had she not spent it irrationally.

41. Provinces that included Judah, “the land of the Decoration,” would be given as her dowry.

42. Attila thereupon claimed Honoria as his wife and demanded half the Western Empire as her dowry

43. After burning the city and killing its Canaanite population, he gave it as a dowry to Solomon’s wife.

44. Instances of female infanticide, dowry deaths, bride burning, vicious acid attacks and organised trafficking in women are absent.

45. Ironically, it’s been adapted from Indian culture.We fail to realise that dowry is not Approbated by Islam

46. A recent case, where a woman was murdered for her dowry, was registered by police as suicide.

47. They may point out that their prospects for marriage will diminish if they cannot bring along a satisfactory dowry.”

48. Henry would marry Princess Catherine, the young daughter of Charles VI, and receive a dowry of 2 million crowns.

49. With her dowry of 100,000 pesos, the couple bought the Hacienda of Apeo in the small town of Maravatío.

50. Now processors say they are being offered plastic waste with a dowry of £50-100 a tonne attached.

51. Oh, I thought I was gonna have to spend my dowry on booze and pills to numb the loneliness.

52. He gave her an estate at Alva as a dowry and probably accompanied it with a large sum of money.

53. The girl’s parents returned the dowry money to the young man and he wrote out a free paper: “This woman is free to marry anybody.

54. In June 1537 in his will among many provisions, Francesco returned Lisa's dowry to her, gave her personal clothing and jewelry and provided for her future.

55. Dower (not to be confused with a dowry) refers to the portion to which a surviving wife is entitled, while Curtesy refers to what a man may

56. When my parents returned the dowry money, he himself, according to our custom, wrote out the receipt and free paper: “This woman is free to marry anybody.

57. A hurricane sinks the entire Spanish treasure fleet off the coast of Florida including her flagship, the Capitana which, according to its manifest, carried the Queen's Dowry.

58. If a brother anywhere in the country cannot get a certificate, he need only submit evidence of the acceptance of the dowry payment and a certificate will be issued.

59. In the case of meher or dowry - in - reverse , the custom was that the bridegroom gave an agreed sum to the bride at the time of the wedding .

60. Considered one of Shakespeare's Bawdier works, the play describes the volatile courtship between the shrewish Katharina and the canny Petruchio, who is determined to subdue Katharina's legendary temper and win her dowry

61. The Collectorship brings in forty thousand francs a year and, during the ten years he has held it, he has paid off his bond and set about putting a dowry for my sister to one side.

62. It is defined as “a special contract concluded between a man and a woman through offer and acceptance of marriage for a limited period and with a specified dowry like the contract for permanent marriage.”

63. Further, the reinforcement of our belief in the age-old panchayat system, the abolition of the Abhorable practices of untouchability, child marriage, sati, dowry etc are typical illustrations of social change being brought about in the country trough laws.

64. In one such article, Michel Melot describes how the wealth and power of the Abbesses of the Order of Fontevrault in the Anjou region established a tradition of artistic patronage in which the Abbesses, daughters, of prominent aristocrats, brought dowries and family names that raised their religious order to high political, economic, and

65. This treaty provided that Maximilian's daughter Margaret should marry Charles, the dauphin of France, and have for her dowry Artois and FrancheComte, two of the provinces in dispute, while the claim of Louis on the duchy of Burgundy was tacitly admitted.

66. Cartedcarried in a cart through the streets, by way of punishment or public exposure (especially as the punishment of a Bawd). THE FATAL DOWRY PHILIP MASSINGER Bawd prior to 1700 was a term applied to men as well asand, indeed, more frequently thanto women

67. Jan was the first in this line to use the Burggrave (Burggraef/Borchgrave) name, which mean "Viscount." He probably did this to distinguish his line from other Van Altena branches, The name probably derived from land given to him as dowry from his wife's family.

68. And withal thou deniest the sale and Belittlest and makest difficulties about the profit! What gain is greater than this gain and what profit wouldst thou have profitabler than this profit? An thou love her thou hast had thy fill of her all this time: so take the money and buy thee another handsomer than she; at a dowry of less than half this